November 1st - Will. He is means the world to me and makes me laugh 24/7 - even when he is being naughty he still makes me laugh. I had the easiest pregnancy/labor with Will and I now am more than thankful for that. I now realize how lucky I am to have a perfectly healthy baby, so many things can go wrong during pregnancy and every healthy baby is now a miracle to me. Watching him grow into his personality and learn new things is absolutely amazing. I get excited/smile every morning when I hear his chattering voice over the monitor and can't wait to get into his room to see that big smile on his face! Everything about him is amazing and I am by far the most thankful that God put him in my life. He is perfect in every way.
November 2nd. My Husband. He is an amazing father and loves his son more than life. He makes me less stubborn (which I didn't know was possible). He doesn't care that I put my comfy clothes on as soon as I get home, that I don't shower on Sundays, that I am not perfect and have my flaws and the list goes on and on. We have very many things in common and very many things not in common, which I think evens us out and makes us work. And most importantly he remained strong for the both of us when I broke down this past week. Life is not always easy but he helps me realize that it will go on.
November 3rd. My family and friends. I don't what know what I do without them. They have cried with me, been there for me, made me laugh when I don't want to and the list goes on and on. I have the best family and friends in the world and I thank GOD every day for them.
November 4th. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER SONYA!!!!!!)!!!!! Today I am thankful for Baby Gap. I see those clothes and just get so excited to buy them and see them on Will. Tom always complains about how much of our paycheck goes to this store and says Will would look cute in a cheap pair of jeans and a t-shirt which is true. . . but once he sees how dang cute Will looks in the clothes, he can't help but smile as well. Today I looked at the new clothes and I saw the cutest little vest, paired with a white button up and dark jeans . . . then add in his CUTE boots, maybe a tie and his grumpy old men hat and you have the best dressed little boy that looks absolutely adorable and you just want to squeeze him to pieces. Now that is an instant smile on my face! So maybe to put it better - I am thankful for the simple things in life that make me happy. :)

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