2 more days until the big appt! Please go by FAST!
Today I am thankful for my parents. For many reasons, but obviously the big reason is I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. While I didn't always agree with their rules (ok, I NEVER agreed with their rules) and hated the dreaded "LIST" my Dad created for us to do every Saturday AM, now that I am a parent, I understand. However, I still think it's cruel to pick up your daughter from a sleepover at 7AM when all the other girls get to stay until at least 10! Just saying. :)
You don't realize how much it costs to raise a child until you have your own. Toys, furniture, diapers, daycare, sports, braces, doctor/dentist visits, clothes (my parents had that part rough!!), food, a car (or in my case a red truck with white stripes), car insurance, gas and the list goes on and on. It adds up! I was very lucky in the fact that my parents paid for my college tuition, living expenses and car insurance. That is huge. I had a hard enough time after college trying to figure out how to pay bills, etc. so I can't imagine having to pay student loans on top of all that!
But most importantly, they are awesome grandparents and would do anything for their grand kids (and kids for that matter :))!
These are pictures from our trip to FL last year. My parents were great hosts and we had an absolute blast for 10 straight days!

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