The night before Christmas Eve we went to our neighbors house for dinner and he sure did do a great job of cooking! We are so lucky to have such a fun group of neighbors!
Christmas Eve was spent at Tom's brother and sister-in-laws house - lots of food, drinks and family fun. I left the camera at home and the video camera's card was full . . . so hopefully the sister-in-laws got some great pics!
Christmas Day we went to my parents house and again, lots of food, drinks and family fun! I did remember the camera and there are a few pics below. We finally got a picture of all the sisters and we ALL liked the picture - not an easy task when it comes to 4 picky ladies! Will's I teeth were trying to come in which made for a tired, grumpy child. But thankfully chomping away at the passy seemed to help! He wasn't as excited about the presents but he sure does love to play with all of them now that those stinkin teeth popped through!

Sunday night my bff from highschool, her fiance and a few other friends came over and of course we had to break out singstar. Did I mention that singstar now has BON JOVI!?!?!?! 10 songs to be exact . . . and no, I do not sit in my bsmt and sing all day, every day. :) It was so great catching up with them and I sure wish they would move back to IA!
Monday we recovered and Tuesday night we were at it again. Tom went to watch the IA game with some friends so Will and I stayed at Krista's. Krista made sure our wine glasses were never empty which I guess turns into 3 bottles of wine later . . . oops. But I sure do love sister time!
Thursday night Tom and I watched inception - which everyone needs to see. Very intense!! Friday night we got together with our neighbors to celebrate the New Year! One of our friends taught us a game called Shoulders and honest to God, I have not laughed so hard in a LONG time. This might be our new favorite game!
While we went through the worst 2 months of our lives in 2010, that doesn't make us want to forget it. So many other great things happened in 2010. I will look back on 2010 and say we grew stronger as a family, realized more than ever how important family and friends are and really learned the meaning of the motto "don't take life for granted" and will try to follow that each and every year!
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