Our past week/weekend was a busy one. Last Sunday my parents took Will until Tuesday as our daycare provider had the week off. We took that time to paint Will's big boy room. It was a little sad painting over his polka dots, but I am very ready for his big boy room - it is going to be so cute (pictures to come next week)! We took a break and went out for dinner. When without a child, do things you would not do with a child. :) Monday night John came over to help move one dresser out and the new dresser in. After that we went to Granite City for dinner/drinks and called it a night.
On Tuesday we picked Will up from my sister's house and boy was he one tired boy! 3 days of not napping the best = one crabby Will. The next morning Will woke up with a fever of 103.3. Wowzers - first time he has ever had a temp above 99. We made an appt and nothing was wrong. Just fighting some bug and that he was. He slept most of the day and that night we changed his diaper every hour (I am NOT exaggerating). By Thursday he was feeling better so I took him to the pool with my sistas/kiddos for about an hour to get him out of the house. I was hoping for a full day at the pool, but being a good Mom is far more important than being a tan Mom. :)

Friday afternoon Tom's good friend, Brad (from Chile) came to town and stayed with us. Will instantly found a new best friend and reached out to Brad the second he saw him. When I got home from work, Will was sitting on his lap reading books. Brad is one of those guys that everyone loves and Will couldn't agree more. :)
That night the boys grilled up some Steaks, twice baked potatoes, garlic bread, corn on the cob and broccoli - add some cold beverages to that and you have my favorite meal!
Saturday morning Will and I were up early (well compared to the boys that stayed out late) and filled up the pool. Usually it takes Will a while to warm up to the pool, but this was not the case - he dove in, pajamas and all. So I let him play in the freezing cold water for a while and then came back out later that morning and again after nap. That night Will FINALLY ate something other than mac and cheese. Thank goodness.
Sunday we were up and ready to go to the pool with my family and of course it starts sprinkling. Can't rain on our parade though, we stayed there until 2 and then went back to Krista's house. We had the whole pool to ourselves which was worth the cloudy day. Will had such a great time swimming and had a dance off with his cousin Jenna. Those two crack me up. His new thing is grabbing people's hands to take them wherever he wants to go and this was certainly the case on Sunday.

Monday we went to the boat with the Jackovin's and then went over to Gary's after Will napped. Will has Gary wrapped around his little finger. He would take Gary's hand and drag him all around and if Gary tried to let go, Will wouldn't have it. Will was not at all happy with me when it was time to go home and threw a fit . . . that fit continued until he got to watch his new favorite show Bubble Guppies. The kid goes insane when this show comes on.

Today Gary is bringing over his new bed and tomorrow Tom is picking up the mattress. I. Can't. Wait. What's left is hanging up the decor (although still waiting for the prints to come in that ordered, it has been 5 weeks!!). Will got a sneak peak at the bed last night when we stopped over to say hi to Gary and he was trying to climb all over it. I think his big boy room is going to be a hit!
Tomorrow I turn the big 28. Birthday's just aren't exciting once you get past 21. Saturday night Melissa and John are watching Will so we can go to dinner and then Sunday it's Will's Birthday Bash at Lake Panorama.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Love, Laura, Tom and Will
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