3 weekends ago we had Kayla's 1st communion and 8th b-day party. When the nieces and nephews get together they have the best of times and play so well together. Jenna and Will are already partners in crime. Jenna was telling/motioning Will to come on . . . which meant open the door and let's run. At one point Tom thought I had Will and I thought Tom had Will - wrong, Will had a hula hoop and ended up in the kitchen at Hyperion. Yep, rockstar parents right here.

The following weekend we took a long weekend trip to visit our good friends, Leslie and Ben. Ben had a companion ticket and used it on us for Leslie's birthday. We had a blast with them (not a surprise) and fit so much stuff in. It was a much needed vacation for us. As much as I want Ben and Les to move back, I can see why they live in SD, it's beautiful. They just bought a new house, so on the positve side, we have a free place to stay and they are great hosts!
Will of course had a blast with Grandpa and Grandma Linda - we are so luck to have both sets of Grandparents close by and Will probably has more fun with them than he does us. :)

Last weekend we went over to Krista and Bryce's house so the kids could play. The guys ended up going out to meet some friends and Krista and I had a great time with the kids . . . and a great time staying up until 2:45 in the AM talking with her friends that stopped by.
The kids play so well together and Jenna and Will are like 2 peas in a pod, the pictures show you just that. Will has outgrown the pac and play so Cole said to Krista that he will be a good big brother and will sleep with Will. I listened in on their convo and Cole was talking to him, showing him stuff in his room, etc. Cutest convo ever. Kids melt my heart.
The next morning Will had McDonald's breakfast for the first time, he of course loved it as did the sleepy adults.
Side note, notice Jenna's curls - aren't the cutest?

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