Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I see pictures on FB of little babes falling asleep on their parents, in high chairs, in their jumparoo, on the floor, you get the picture.  Will was never one of those babes.  I take that back, when he was itty bitty he would cuddle with us, but that was because he was itty bitty.  This is the only picture I have of Will sleeping with me (partly because the hubby isn't the best at taking "Kodak Moments").  This was when he was 2 days old . . . aww.

So last night I was shocked Will was sitting still so long while watching the news . . . I look over and Tom is whispering, "He is OUT!"  And he certainly was.  And this my friends, makes me one happy Momma.  I LOVE SNUGGLING!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

I will start with the ugly:
Will has hit 20 months and boy am I am thinking that because he looks 2, he has decided to hit the terrible 2's early. Tom and I are starting to wonder where our sweet little boy has gone?

This past month Will has started to throw tantrums when he doesn't get his way.  When I say tantrums, it means head butting (us or the wall), hitting, screaming, kicking his legs, you get the picture. Thankfully he doesn't do this at daycare or to anyone else.  His biggest tantrums are thrown when we comes inside . . . this could be a long summer.

So how do we tackle these tantrums??? What we are currently doing is putting him timeout.  Yes, we have to hold the strong boy down as he is freaking out.  Good times . . .The only positive is after he is done with time out, he wants to give us hugs.  I'll take it.  Does this mean he feels bad?  Or he is just working us as he knows that is Mommy's number 1 weakness?  I'll go with the latter.  I will say, this past week he has not head butted us . . . but the crying and kicking still happens when he has to come inside.  I can't say I blame him though, after being stuck inside for the past 3-4 months, I would want to stay outside as well!

The bad:

What's his new word? NO! He even said NO when Mickey Mouse asked, "Say, you want to come inside my playhouse?" NO might beat out his number one favorite word which you all know is BALL! Why is NO the easier word to say? Whoever thought up NO, I could smack them.

He is a little too obsessed with balls.  When we get to daycare, if one of the other kids has what he deems as "his" balls, he pretty much pushes the child to try to get it out of their hands.  And, he is a hoarder.  He collects them all and doesn't want to share.  He's got the obsession of balls, the jolly green giant genes, he's building the calf muscles by walking on his toes . . . next we need to work on coordination.  Whoa . . . bad parent.  Next we need to work on sharing and using our words.  :)

He collects ALL of the balls from the garage and puts them in his wagon, sits in it, throws them all out and repeats.  Hey, whatever keeps him busy and happy.

Now the good on Will:
He continues to get taller and has outgrown most of his 18-24 month jeans/shirts.  Tear.  Today my favorite pair of his jeans were high waters on him and the polo I picked out?  Pretty much a midriff.  Good thing he doesn't care because I wanted him to wear that outfit one more time.
He is starting to say more words and is working on putting words together.  The other day we had a 5 minute conversation and even though I had no idea what he was talking about, he seemed so matter of fact and it was just so cute. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fire Down Below

This morning I woke up to banging outside our bedroom window.  I was rather annoyed as this was my day to sleep in since I teach a class at the gym tonight.  I go to check to see what the heck is going on and open the curtains to see firetrucks, ambulances and police cars lining the walking path and roads behind and to the left of our house. 

Here is the scoop . . .

Thankfully everybody got out ok, how scary!  A family of 5 is now homeless until they get every cleaned up, which after seeing the house, it could take a while.

This of course got me thinking, what if we had a fire?  How would we get out if it was on the main floor and by the stairs?  AHH!!  Problem solved and it's on it's way to our house.  Kidde KL-2S Two-Story Fire Escape Ladder with Anti-Slip Rungs, 13-Foot

Such a great deal at Amazon.com.  Click here to buy yours!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Paige's Last Ride

Have I been lazy or what?  I haven't even blogged about the party of the year, Paige's Last Ride! 

Where do I even begin?  2 weekends ago we thru a bachelorette party for my bff, Paige in Arizona.  Paige is one of my best friends from high school and I have the honor of standing right by her side (and giving a speech . . . eek) in her wedding on April 23rd.

Paige is full of energy and fun and this party was just that!  This was my first long (solo) weekend away from Will and while I missed my little guy (and hubby :)), let's be honest - everyone needs to get away.  I was with some of my best girlfriends that I don't get to see very often so as you can imagine, the weekend flew by and before I knew it I was back to work on Monday morning half asleep . . .  

Thursday night my good friend Sarah and I both got in at 11:30 (which was 12:30AM DSM time and 1:30AM Virgina time).  We were both SO tired but once we got to Pagie's we couldn't sleep (perhaps because we felt like we were in high school again and having a sleepover??) and thus woke up our roommate Mary and stayed up talking on our deflated air mattress until who knows what time.

We woke up, drank coffee, ate breakfast and we ALL went for a walk.  By all, I mean 8 ladies.  I am sure it was a funny site to see.  We lounged (for you Mom's out there, we don't get to lounge around the house very often) and got ready for the day.  Went to the mall for HAPPY HOUR (I can't tell you the last time I went out for HH) and I could have stayed at HH all day, those beers were sure tasting good.  After that we went to Crate and Barrel and after a few beers it was decided I should not go into that store.  I wanted EVERYTHING.  However, I walked out with just kitchen towells (thanks to my luggage restrictions).

We shopped around for a bit and then went home to get ready to go out for the night.  We of course had to have pre-drinks and I taught everyone the game of Shoulders.  Seriously, fun game.  While at Zipps we had to stage the big surprise, which was our good friend Ebban.  Ebban now lives in Switzerland, so this was a HUGE surprise for Paige (perhaps I slipped up a few times, but she still didn't think she was coming!).  Paige was extremely surprised and we were all excited to see Ebban.  That night there were 4 girls in one bedroom so as you can imagine more talk, no sleep.

PARTY DAY!  The party started at 4:00 and the bus picked us up at 8:00 and this bus was awesome, equipped with 2 stripper poles (get your mind out of the gutters, there was not a male stripper :)).  After you get a few cocktails in 22 ladies paired with stripper poles and Don't Stop Believing bumping through the speakers, you can imagine we had a great time.

The first bar we went to had a mechanical bull, so you bet your bottom dollar that Paige and her Mom, Rita rode the big bad bull.  HILARIOUS.  We then hoped on the bus and drove around some more until we hit a club.  More dancing, drinks, you get the picture.  Then we jumped back on the bus for some more drinks and dancing (just what we needed).  The bachelorette had to go to the bathroom so the driver made a pit stop at Denny's (why Denny's we still don't know).  I told Paige to get out and with the saddest look on her face she said in a 5 year old little girls voice . . .

{Quote of the night}
"But I don't WANT a PIECE of Pie!!!!!" 

Eating, drinking water and getting caught up on Jersey Shore.  Yes, we were a little tired, all except for the 3 mom's that came!  They were out drinking mimosas and beer while doing some yard work and cleaning the pool!  I tell you, those 3 ladies are rockstars!

I am still paying for the lack of sleep, but, it was so worth it.  I never get to spend that much time with my best buddies.  We definitely took advantage of our time and I already miss them.  If only I could talk them all into moving back to IA and being my neighbors (think how big our wardrobes would be!! :)).

The pictures don't even do the weekend justice!