Ladies and gentleman THE bed . . .

Eventually we will loft it like below picture. I must say, Gary's version is way better. He even matched the dresser we bought. Seriously, he rocks.
On Saturday John and Melissa watched Will so we could go out to eat for dinner. We went to our favorite restaurant Trostels, followed by dessert at our new favorite place Yo2Go, which is conveniently located right by my office AND home. Great. Sunday was Will's birthday party at Lake Panorama and everyone had a blast. Perfect place for 10 kids and a very hot/muggy day. Will loved playing in the lake, sand, eating all the frosting he wanted, opening gifts and the attention.

His actual birthday was on July 13th. We got him a doughnut for breakfast which he only ate the frosting. The kid loves frosting. After work my friend Sarah stopped over and had pizza with us and Will instantly grabbed her hand and wanted her to read him a book. Can't turn down the hand. :) My good friend Kristina gave Will a cupcake so he got to eat more frosting and blow out his candle - 3rd times a charm, he finally figured out how to blow out the candle. :)

We then opened the rest of the gifts from Mommy and Daddy which were books, boats AND . . . .

That following weekend we went to our first I-Cubs game with Will, went to the pool with my family, relaxed on Saturday night and played in the pool at home on Sunday. So it's been a fun couple weekends!

I feel like a broken record saying this, but I can't believe how fast these two years have gone. We have definitely had some ups as well as well as some major downs, but thankfully we had Will to get us through those downs. During Will's first year we both lost our jobs . . . AT THE SAME time with no severance, no insurance, NADA, Will was only 10 weeks old and during Will's 2nd year we went through 5 weeks of hell not knowing what was going to happen to our precious baby Jack and then losing him at 17 weeks. I am hopeful that this year will have no downs, I think we deserve one year that is not stressful. :)
Hope you all are having a great summer! A Will update will come soon! :)
Love, the Jackovin's