Will has had a busy last couple of months! He is officially half a year old (ok, now he is 7 months old . . .)! At his 6 month appt he weighed in at 18.10 (76%) and height was 29 inches (97%).
A few of Will's firsts the past few months:
1. Cut 2 bottom teeth (right at 6 months)
2. Chows down on baby food (loves applesauce, but doesn't mind veggies)
3. Took a trip outside of IA
4. Rode on an airplane
5. Sat in his stroller (I include this because he LOVES sitting in his stroller as you can see from a below pic)
6. Went swimming (which he also LOVED)
7. Saw the ocean
8. Sits up by himself (although when he sees a toy he wants - he goes for it (which usually results in him falling over, thus we still need to watch him :)).
9. Rolls over
Will and I went to Florida with my parents at the beginning of February for 10 days and had a great time! We missed Daddy, but really enjoyed getting out of this crappy IA weather! He did AWESOME on the plane and hardly made a peep the entire trip. Cousin Kayla and Aunt Sonya met us down in Florida for a few days and we loved having them there. Kayla kept Will entertained while the adults played cards, drank wine and enjoyed the Florida weather. :)
Nothing else is really new in the Jackovin household - just constantly smiling at all of Will's "milestones" and taking it all in because it goes by so quickly!
We hope you are all doing GREAT!
Love, Laura, Tom and Will
Sorry for the picture overload, but I tried to get in all of his firsts! :)
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