Will had his 2 month check up on 9/15 and he has grown bigtime. He weighed in at 13.10 (87th percentile) and is almost 25 inches (92nd percentile). He was sleeping when they gave him his shots and woke up in a panic, made 2 little cries and fell back asleep - what a trooper. Everything else looks great - the doctor couldn't believe he eats 30 oz a day and sleeps 10 hours at night. I guess he takes after his Mommy and Daddy - we like our food and sleep too! :)
Will is full of smiles, giggles, talking, making funny faces and reaching/grabbing his toys. While I did love the little bitty stage, I love this stage just as much. He is so fun to watch and I love making him laugh. It makes our day!
We hope everyone is doing well on your end! We love visitors and so does Will!! So please stop by anytime!!
Laura, Tom and Will
All smiles for Jules and Meredith (he has had a crush on these two since he was born:)!).

Little jail bird jammies.
He loves when Mommy takes a million pictures!
I can never capture the smile - I just get the funny faces he makes when he is talking. :)
Half smile . . . missed the full one.
go hawks . . .
Mr. Smiley and his double chin. :)
All the Polking Grandkids at Grammy and Papa's house.

So precious!
LOVE the new pictures of Will...especially the jailbird jams!