Labor Day weekend- went to John and Melissa's house so they could watch the Sqawks. I then met up with my good friend Lara and her hubby at Granite City. Always great catching up with friends. Sunday we were supposed to go to the pool with the Polking fam but it was way too chilly so we went over to the Frick's for a party. After being at Sonya's all night, Will now calls Kayla's kitchen, "my kitchen" and when we went to pick them up the other day he got excited and said - "MY KITCHEN" when pulling in the driveway. It's funny how kids remember things about houses. For instance:
John and Melissa - trains
Jenna's house: Airplane (first thing he looks for) and now fish as they have adopted their neighbors fish.
Tara and Glen - fishie and crab, although both have gone to toilet bowl heaven - he'll be there next weekend so I am sure he will come up with something he loves there.
Mom and Dad's - cows, farm and tractor as my Dad took him there one time and hasn't forgotten.
Tom's Dad and Linda - every boat he sees it's "Papa's boat"?
Mary - we drive by Mary house just about every day and he always says "Mary's house"!
We took Tuesday off after Labor Day and took will to the Omaha Zoo. Do you want to know what he remembers out of the millions things he saw? A banana - as in, a gorilla eating a banana. He talked about the fishies and the sharks so many times before going to the zoo and he could have cared less about them. He was more excited about the dump trucks/construction truck. That crazy boy.

The following weekend we went to a couples shower for our good friends Kelly and Nolan (who are getting married next weekend) and Saturday the Cyclones beat the Sqawks and for those of you that know my hubby, you know he is a

Last weekend we went to my parents house on Friday night to watch the Cyclones beat Ucon. They had a big party at their house so Will and his cousin's had a blast. The next morning we had bunkers dunkers of course and Will stayed with my parents so Tom and I could clean out the garage . . . which took forever! My parents dropped Will off at Gary and Linda's house and when I went to pick him up he had them dancing to what sounded like Lawrence Welk songs. If they tried to sit down he would grab Grammy's hand and then Papa's hand and say dance. Can't say no to him. He is so lucky to be so close to both set of grandparents!
This week we got our house ready to put on the market and today it is officially on the market. It's definitely bittersweet as we have made so many memories in the house and have great neighbors, but we need some more space, so it's time to try to sell our house.
This weekend we are headed to Chicago for Tom's Grandma's 90th birthday. Wish us luck with the long drive and a toddler. On the way home from Omaha we timed it with Will's nap, sure would have been great if Will actually napped! What kid doesn't sleep in the car?
Have a great weekend!