Hit up Jethros for their to die for Pulled Chicken Nachos . . . Will decided to just lick the cheese, no need for the tortilla chip.

A trip to Grays Lake which turned out to be way too hot and I wore THE ABSOLUTE worst shoes.

My good friend Ebban, hubby and little girl Emmie who now live in Switzerland stayed with us for a night. Will and Emmie had a great time playing together and we loved being able to catch up with Phil and Ebban for an entire night!
Fit in a pool day with the entire Polking family on an extremely hot and HUMID day.

Tom and Bryce were gone one Saturday so Tara invited us over to her house and we had a blast. Pools, trampoline, tractor rides with Uncle Glen, huge park, neighbors swing set, good eats = great time and worn out Will.

We made a trip to Altoona to check out the aquarium at Bass Bro Shops. Will FREAKED out with excitement when he saw the fishies and shark (a huge catfish, hey, it kind of looked like shark). He then freaked out again when he saw all the boats and 4 wheelers. He sat and "drove" every one of them.

This past weekend we had Mary and Brad over for dinner and of course broke out the singstar. Bon Jovi and Billy Joel were definitely calling my name! Saturday we went to Walker Johnson Park - if you haven't been there with your kids, you need to go. They have a pond that has geese (that are almost too friendly), fish and frogs. Will also talks about fishies non stop so he was very excited to feed the hungry fish. They have a different kind of play gym that Will loves as well.

On Sunday we went to "Papa's Boat" with the Jackovin family and Will loved EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE. He talks about Papa's Boat just about every day so imagine how excited he was when he got to go on it again. He pretty much takes over the captain's chair and makes those with weak stomachs sick, with his driving in circles.
This week Tom was in Maryland so Sonya and Kayla came over one night and Krista, Cole and Jenna came over the next night. Will loved having his cousin come over to play! Made our week go by very fast!
And here are a few random photos . . .
Will thinks he is pretty awesome sitting in a big chair!

He puts his hat and shades on and then puts the keys in the ignition

No need for a description . . .