Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Big 1 . . . and is soon to be walking!!!

Wow - 1 year has flown by so fast! It seems like yesterday I was pushing my hardest to get this little baby out that was maxin and relaxing for as long as possible in my tummy. Man, how that has changed. The only time he relaxes is when he is in his crib with his blankie, skip it and passy. I miss the newborn stage SOOOOO much, yet I love each and everyone of his stages just as much. Even now, when he wears me out and I go to bed shortly after his 7:30 bedtime. :)

What a great year it has been, in fact, hands down our (I am speaking on behalf of Tom :)) best year ever. Will definitely has made our lives complete and we couldn't imagine life with out him. You can't help but laugh at his silly things he does and cry when he is peacefully sleeping because you can't even imagine how lucky you are that he is happy, healthy and our son. He is perfect in every way (OK, maybe not when he throws his food on the ground and thinks it's hilarious :)) and I thank GOD every day for him.

Will's first birthday party was at Lake Panorama with the Polking and Jackovin side. It was VERY fun and Will loved all the attention he got in the lake, while eating cake and opening presents. He got so many great presents from family and friends and is definitely in toy heaven and will be one stylish boy when he starts day care in August (we found an in home daycare just down the street).

A little bit about Will:
  • Has more than tripled his birth weight - birth weight was 7lbs, 11 ounces and is now 24.3lbs (70%) and grown over a foot - 20 inches at birth and is now 34 inches (97%). What a year can do for a growing boy!
  • Loves to play peek a boo using curtains
  • Took 6 steps 1 week after his first birthday . . . I think he is going to be more of runner than a walker - he is quick!
  • Is such a happy little TODDLER (gosh, a toddler already)
  • Is now called busy Bubber vs lil' Bubber - he is non-stop and wears us out
  • Loves the beach, pool and bath time - anything that involves water - Will is in
  • Is going to miss his nanny, Lauren when she leaves in August - he just loves her (as do we)and gets so excited to see her everyday
  • Can climb on furniture and loves to get to the light switches
  • Gets into EVERYTHING!
  • Is a wicked fast crawler
  • Claps over any accomplishment
  • Still loves to pull hair, stick his hands in his mouth and pat (smack) Daddy in the face
  • Loves to be outside
  • Is NOT shy and will love anyone he meets

Will had his 1 year pics taken my a family friend - here is a sneak peak . . . more to come . . .

We hope you all are having a great summer!!!!!

Love, Laura Tom and Will