11 Months!!!
Well, people where right when they told you to go out as much as possible with your newborn because when they get to be 9 mo + you aren't going to be able to go anywhere but McDonald's. Will is on the move and he is into everything anything he can get his hands on, (door handles, oven switches, console table, fireplace, toilets, dishwasher, fridge) you name it, he wants it.
He is really walking around everything he pulls himself up on so I think he will be walking close to his birthday. He can now wave hello/goodbye, dance to songs (and he expects you to dance with him), high five, shake his head no (hmm, maybe because he hears us saying it so often . . . which he thinks is funny), some what play catch and give kisses (slobber all over you) . . . and the list goes on. He is at such a fun stage but he definitely keeps us moving. He is quick too - I have never seen a toddler move so fast when he sees a door/gate open to either the stairs, pantry closet, bathroom and his favorite - dishwasher. I hope this means he is going to be quick on perhaps a basketball court . . . I really would like at least one of my 3-4 kids I would like to have get a scholarship. :)
Work has been going well and Will really likes his nanny so everything has worked out great. Check back with me when he goes to daycare, I may be a mess at that point. :) Having him at home has been so nice!!!
Our summer has been a busy, yet very fun one. We have been to the zoo, boating, pool, a few weddings and this weekend we have friends in town from Chile! We haven't seen them in 2 years and we get to meet their 3 month old little girl - I can't wait to get my hands on her . . . I just LOVE the infant stage! If there was one wish I was granted, it would be to go back to when Will was born and snuggle with him. It is my absolute favorite stage. Don't get me wrong, I really do love every stage, but there is something about infants that I just can't get enough.