It's about time - we are so ready for Spring/Summer!
Well, Will is almost 9 months old . . . just boggles my mind. He is growing up so fast! His personality is really starting to shine and he just melts my heart every day. I don't think he stops smiling with the exceptions of teething (he has 2 on the bottom and 4 more are working there way in on the top), hunger (he LOVES to eat -his new favorite food is grilled potatoes and puffs which is hilarious to watch) and when he is tired (he LOVES to sleep - my sister makes fun because every time she is around Will is sleeping, which is true - he goes to bed at 7:30, wakes up at 7:00 takes a nap from 9-11 and then another one from 1-3 - one would think my house would be super clean . . . I find other things to do :)).
Will is army crawling around the house and pulling himself up on things. He is so close to crawling and gets very frustrated when he can't get places as fast as he would like. When he wakes up in the morning it's always a guessing game as to where he is going to be in the crib. Once he hears that door open he rolls over to his tummy and greets us with a big, excited smile. Makes my day. He's a very vocal little guy (hmmmmm . . . wonder where he gets that from) and is just a goof ball. And, he LOVES to be outside.
We hope you all have a Happy Easter!
Love, the Jackovin's.