Where has time gone? Will is now 4 months old and getting to be such a big boy! He had his 4 month check up today and weighed in at 16.4 pounds (76 percentile) and 27 inches long (97 percentile). He is going to be a tall one (are you surprised? :)). He had a total of 4 shots today and only cried on the last shot . . . this one must of hurt as it was the only shot that made the little guy bleed. He is now sleeping away!
Will has had a busy couple months! He went to the pumpkin patch with his cousin Kayla and Aunt Sonya. He was a Spider and Dalmation for Halloween. He had his first sleep over with Grammy and Papa Polking while his Mommy and Daddy went to Chicago to go to the Bears game with close friends. Spent a full day/evening with Grandpa and Grandma Linda. He has had lots of play dates with his cousin/best friend Jenna. He has been laughing non-stop. He has been sticking EVERYTHING in his mouth (his favorite object - his hands). He went to his first birthday party for his cousin Grace. He is chugging down 30 ounces, sleeping 10-11 hours a night and is just the best baby a parent could ask for.
He is just so much fun and constantly makes us smile. I still look at him and wonder how did we get so lucky? I sometimes get a little teary eyed with how fast he is growing - I swear he knows when those tears are coming because he just looks up at me and gives me his huge smile. He really does melt my heart and I thank God daily for him!
We are really looking forward to his first Thanksgiving and Christmas with our little guy. We hope you all are doing great and have a wonderful holiday season! We also hope to see all of you during the holiday season!!!
Take care!!!
Laura, Tom and Will.
I have to wear my Christmas jammies now because they are almost too small for me.

3 Little Monkeys (with Cousins Cole and Jenna).

I am 4 months old and LOVE chewing on my hands!
Our little chubber bubber!
Mommy and Daddy's first trip with out me. Daddy is dressed as the guy from the Geico commercial and Mommy is a flapper girl. :)
I am now the third Polking grand baby to wear the Spider costume!
Cute little puppy!
Pumpkin patch with Cousin Kayla and Aunt Sonya.
I am SOOO smiley in the mornings!!!